mehr laden

A timber schoolhouse for the village

A primary school for learing, romping around and simply 'being a child'…
stands in the middle of the grown village structure in the community in Hauptmannsgrün, located in Vogtland region.
Embedded in Vogtland's hilly countryside with short connections to the national road and rail network and equipped with a prosperous industrial area, the municipality of Heinsdorfergrund offers almost ideal living conditions for families. The municipal council recognised early on the essential function of a primary school for the village community and has been fighting to preserve it ever since. The north wing has been renovated and the contaminated west wing has been replaced by a contemporary building extension to meet the changing requirements for modern school operations, including all-day care across all classes. 
Right from the start the design relied on the idea of timber being used for the primary structure. Thus, large parts of walls and ceilings were made of surface-finished solid timber. In addition to the biological, physical and atmospheric advantages of the building material, the timber structure fits naturally into the rural context. 
The project makes and exemplary contribution to the topic of sustainability in the transformation process of rural areas in Saxony.








Gemeinde Heinsdorfergrund


Sächsischer Staatspreis Ländliches Bauen 2021


Nadine BronsertRoger NeumannChristian Schlipp

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